
Plein Air Painting Program

20th October 2022

John Griffiths is the Outdoor Convenor of our Bairnsdale Plein Air Painting Program which has been running since January 2022. The group meets monthly, generally on the third Saturday of the month at a nominated outdoor venue.

Plein Air Painting is all about leaving your art studio and setting up at an outdoor location to paint a landscape in natural colours and lighting. It is a worldwide phenomenon, particularly huge in the USA. Many world class artists hold workshops and tours in Australia and places like France and Italy.

We have a mixed group of Oil, Pastel and Watercolour painters and probably anything in between. Our aim is to foster Plein Air Painting and encourage participation of all levels from beginner to experienced in the company of others.

Plein Air painting can be difficult for most, but there is nothing like spending a day in the field, throwing paint around and enjoying the day with like minded friends. Many experienced artists are happy to produce small sketches or “notes” in the field and use them to produce a final work in the studio.

There are many different approaches but the important aspect is to get out of the studio and in to the open air. We encourage you to come along, meet some friends and enjoy your art on a different perspective.

Please note that we do not conduct art lessons as such. However, everyone is encouraged to discuss their work with others and offer advice when sought.

We love to see visitors but, if you wish to attend regularly, we do ask that you Join the Bairnsdale and District Arts Society ⇒

To find out when and where the Bairnsdale Plein Air Painting Group will meet next, contact John Griffiths on 0417 316 192.


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Cnr Anderson and Hodgson Streets Bairnsdale Victoria 3875 AU
+61 0448 235 983 $20 to $300

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