Categories» About UsArtie Facts NewsArt ClassesArt EventsMembers Artwork » All Pages Gillian Banks OAM Contemporary Art Classes commencing Wednesday 5 February 2025Published09th December 2024 An extension from the Contemporary Art Classes held by Gillian Banks during 2023 and 2024, these sessions will further develop your considerable creative imagination and existing building knowledge of art. Gillian will help you to build upon your unique talents and make a distinct move away from traditional and copied styles. Instead, create your own unique style. These contemporary art sessions will cover the many facets of Modern Art and Abstract Art using acrylic paint on stretched canvas. The emphasis will be on quick broad brush or knife strokes and a variety of thick to watery paint applications. Colour is very important to Contemporary Art and so are visible brush/knife strokes. Also important is a masterful handling of paint and a masterful handling of design and placement on the canvas. We will aim for a canvas a week, and on the fifth week a catch up and evaluation day. Master the technique of quick paint application, resulting in fresh, not laboured work. Gillian Banks is an award-winning artist who received an OAM for her services to the Arts and National Trust in the Northern Territory. Her work may be seen in many galleries as well as private collections. She holds a T.S.T.C.(Arts & Crafts), Prahran Tech, R.M.I.T., Melbourne University, and a Bachelor of Fine Arts from Deakin University. Her influences have been Tom Brink Larson, Cynthia Sparks, David Green, Teng Beng Chew, Stuart Devlin, her Tutors and the work of Jackson Pollock, Fred Williams and Ian Fairweather. She says she has an obsession with landscapes. I look forward to your company and the fun to be had. Where: All classes will be held in the Bairnsdale Arts Centre. View a Google Map ⇒ Classes Commence: Wednesday morning 5th February 2025. Time: 09:30 AM until 12 Midday. Continuing: Every Wednesday morning thereafter. How to Book: Contact Gillian Banks by calling her Mobile 0417 803 262 or sending an email to Price: $15.00 per weekly session payable on the day. « Previous | Next » Cnr Anderson and Hodgson Streets Bairnsdale Victoria 3875 AU +61 0448 235 983 $20 to $300 Bairnsdale and District Arts Society